how can i get a florida drivers licence?

my licence expired ,then i lost my wallet with my licence ,and ss card in it. in order to get a new ss card i have to prove id with a photo id. yet in order to get photo id i need a ss card???? cant get a copie of my old drivers licence because it is expired ,and new law requires ss card and birth certificate.


my boss from last year was a crook and is in jail i have no tax info and cant get a w2 to even do my taxes


his pachecks came without stubs


Favorite Answer

The law requires proof of SSN, not the actual SSN card. You can use a W-2 form, pay check stub, or 1099 tax form for proof of SSN.

Edit: Sorry, but without proper documents, you are going to have to jump through a bunch of hoops to try to get your identity under control. You should go into a Florida DHSMV office to explain your situation and determine your best options.