I am totally confused about RAM random acess memory,can they be called as the inbuilt memory of a gadget?

There are two classified ram as SRAM and DRAM



1. SRAM is static while DRAM is dynamic
2. SRAM is faster compared to DRAM
3. SRAM consumes less power than DRAM
4. SRAM uses more transistors per bit of memory compared to DRAM
5. SRAM is more expensive than DRAM
6. Cheaper DRAM is used in main memory while SRAM is commonly used in cache memory

Read more: Difference Between SRAM and DRAM | Difference Between | SRAM vs DRAM http://www.differencebetween.net/technology/difference-between-sram-and-dram/#ixzz1k1m4wRkq

