Christians, a question on Adam and Eve (legitimate question)?
Ok, so Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge that gave them the knowledge to know good from evil (The Original Sin). God had told them not to eat the fruit and so he punished them.
My question is: why did God punish them for eating from the Tree of Knowledge when they didnt know right from wrong before eating the fruit? If he created two beings who didnt know right from wrong, why did he expect them to make the right choices?
Melissa Me2012-01-21T15:48:37Z
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I guess they were like zombies before eating the fruit. Which also makes the idea that Eve was created because of Adam being lonely kind of silly. You will just be tools again that he just wanted them to obey. And now we are tools that all he wants is us to believe he exists. Definitely lowering his standards.
They didn't know right from wrong in GENERAL but they understood the fact that God didn't want them to eat from the Tree of Knowledge and yet Eve disobeyed and fell in temptation. Then, she made Adam eat the fruit, and he let himself fall into temptaion as well. And thus, sin was born and God punished them for disobeying.
This is a good point, one which I have not really thought about so I shall speculate for you.
A child at the age of about two cannot tell the difference between right and wrong. Many will not know you should not throw food at people for example. However if the parents tell them not to do something they understand, even at a very limitted level, that they should not do that thing. At the beginning Adam and Eve had a similar understanding of right and wrong. When God told them not to eat the fruit they knew they should not do it but proceeded not to listen to his command. What the tree of knowledge did was give them the abilityto discern for themselves what was right and what was wrong. These are my thoughts.
Adam and Eve knew only good after creation. They had one boundary. They were free to do anything at all except one thing. They were forbidden to eat from one tree in a vast garden. They were punished for disobeying that one command... the only command they had. You would think they could have held out longer, but Eve was deceived and Adam chose rebellion. Adam knew it was wrong, Eve was deceived.