Which version of the Bible is right for me?

I'm 16 so I'd like one in a more modern translation but I don't want one of those corn "for teens" kind. Also, (and this might sound a little ignorant on my part) but I'd like to believe that my religious thinking is a little more advanced than people my aged, well, maybe not more advanced but certainly different.


Oh and this is for what kind I should buy for my own personal one to read and study from.


Favorite Answer

Nelson Study Bible, NKJV it will keep you for life

great notes, great study guides and the updated King James to modern language is the best I have found


I read and use the New International Version (NIV) for day to day reading. We also use it at the Seminary, along with the orignal Hebrew and Greek texts for reference.

I like the King James Version as well. The english is older, but very poetic. Most that you find are the 1769 version, the 1611 is hard to read as English was not fully developed as far as punctuation and alphabet. :)

The only ones I would steer you away from are those developed exclusively for a single sect, the Jehovah's Winess New World Translation for example. These will often distort translations to meet their own theological bias. Additionally, you may want to skip trendy translations that attempt to be gender inclusive, replacing he with they throughout the whole bible does make for some strange translation.

All the best to you!


Before you are totally brainwashed into this ideology and fantasy, I would recommend reading some material that "disproves" the bible and also read the King James version of the Bible and make your own educated self analysis. Using your own brain is what it is intended for. Pastors, preachers, religious zealots tell people what to think and make them incapable of logical thought. Do not become a victim, but enable yourself.


The Skeptic's Annotated Bible.


Try reading the New World Translation here

If you like it you can get one FREE from Jehovah's Witnesses

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