What would you if you're sitting in your room....?

And the devil just...showed up?


Favorite Answer

I would pray to God to help me and give me the strength of faith to ward the devil off. I would pray that the devil would not tempt me nor take me away from the good Lord whom I love above all things.


id ask if he was interested in a partially used soul in exchanges for one wish!


Sell my soul, forget, and next time I see him, buy another one.


I'd tell him he's late, lunch is over and the body is gone.

✰ Nιcσℓє ✰2012-01-24T20:56:14Z

Probably rub my eyes and see if I was just seeing things. If he was still there I'd probably say,
"Satan? ... er... what the hell? ... get out of my room!!!"

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