Y & R. Sharon did it again. Anyone else can't believe that she could be so?

stupid hopping back into bed with Adam? Then she says she couldn't "bear to see him go to jail" ? After him letting her sit for months in jail herself? You just know Victor will find out she was the one who warned Adam of the plot. It's going to be "Goodbye Faith" when she loses custody again. Nikki sure will push for Faith to go back with Nick after the battle she had with Sharon.We all know where Sharon's priorities are & they aren't with Faith. I always thought she was a good mother, but not now for this is the second time she put Adam before her baby. It's back to Adam & Sharon against the world!

Kitty 22012-01-25T07:15:02Z

Favorite Answer

Sharon is one crazed b**ch for doing that. All she thinks is having sex PERIOD.If she really loves her daughter she should be with her but OH NO she wants her cake and eat it too.K2


One of the character's strengths was that she was a good mother... when she was with Nick. I sort of feel like I don't know the character anymore, she has rocks in her head. The writers are taking people in the show in weird directions.

I know it's only a soap and not serious rl, love is sometimes complicated, but I don't think it's setting a very good example to young female viewers either. This is an abusive relationship, Adam is a psychopath, he'll never reform. There are way more interesting directions the character of Sharon could go in than this. As a viewer, I'm disappointed... but now I'm hanging around just to see who can end up with the power at Newman.

Mary Lou2012-01-25T11:43:49Z

1) I hope that Victor has had his office bugged (much like Adam did to the house when he was trying to scare Ashley into losing her baby) so every dealing that was made is recorded and everything said will be on record.
2) that Tucker gets a hold of the recording that Adam made (because as he said both of them would be in trouble with the SEC for the conversation alone!)
3) Sharon & Adam on the GVN desk (hilarious) and on video, there goes her case with the judge who let her have joint custody

She says she is a good mother and Faith deserves to be with her, well she is half right. Faith deserves a Good Mother (and it is not Sharon). I think that when Nick gets back custody he let Ashley have partial custody because she has more empathy and care for Faith than Sharon does!


My thing is she had the nerve to ask Phyllis's sister to talk to Nick if Victor tells him about her tipping Adam off. She's scared Nick would try and take Faith again. If she was so concerned about her daughter she would stay away from Adam. I mean how dumb could she possibly be. She knew how Victor and Nick would react once they found out what she did (and who). She even had the nerve to say she did it because she felt it was the right thing to do and that she was tired of seeing the friction within the Newman family. She didn't do it because it was right. She did it because she is weak and needy and don't have the guts to stand up on her own as a woman. A real woman wouldn't put her daughter near a man who kidnapped her, murdered a man and unborn child, put its mother in jail for life and left her at the altar. A real woman would say to scum like that to h@!! with you and call it a day.


Second time? Seems like a LOT more than that. I was just thinking recently that Sharon has me reminded of Brittney Spears in the "good ol' days", lol. Next Sharon will be assaulting someones car with an umbrella.

She's got to be more "mentally fragile" than Ashley and Ash's been in committed to the boobie hatch at least twice that I can think of!

At this point, I think the problem with Sharon is an "intelligence factor".

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