Cougar Town coming back on Air?

I saw a commercial on TV the other night that Cougar Town was coming back.
I thought it was a cute and clever sitcom . . does anyone else look forward to it's return?


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February 14th. But it's only 15 episodes . I think it might be the last season though . I like the show


Feb 14th? That's Perfect! Cute little romantic Comedy. I think the characters found their marks really quick on this show. I was amazed it got pulled in the first place. Glad to hear it's coming back. I'll be watching for sure

well, if you're right Rachel, that it's only 15 episodes and may be the last season . . then there are other factors at work I'd guess. Because it had all the right stuff to hang in there and carve a spot for sure.


I can't wait. I was so disappointed when it got pulled. Although they never really stated it was pulled. It mysteriously disappeared while they were pushing a new line-up. And Yes!. Why'd Better Off Ted get pulled. Great hijinx and creative situations with bizarre sardonic humor.


I was sad when it disappeared. And the other show i loved was Better Off Ted. I don't understand why they pulled either of these shows. Good scripts, strong characters, zany situations. Both shows are great farces imo


Wow . .I hadn't heard that. I really looked forward to it. The characters were good and the banter back and forth was clever . . It was a fun show . . I can't wait

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