Can live bears(Platies) have mis-carriges?

This is a first for me. My Mickey Mouse Platy's eggs are just hanging out of her. She has been like this for 12 hours. At first I thought she was dropping fry but it just stayed there. I think she may be losing her uterus or some sort of parasite? Any thoughts? I have her in quarantine.


She was just showing a little dark, and wasn't that far into her pregnancy. Not big or anything. Go figure.


Big Pete my avatar is me, taken many years ago.


Favorite Answer

The same thing happened to mine. Sadly, a few days later she died. IDK if that cause it but she was pooing out her eggs. If she dropping fry before that I didn't see. But she looked sickly before. I'm thinking you either just got her or moved her to far into the pregnancy which caused too much stress.


They can abort the fry if they are too stressed

Big Peter2012-01-29T14:27:52Z

your avatar is whom?