Aria and Ezra or Aria and Jason?
Tim, Ezra would never do that to Aria also 'A' is trying to break them up?
Tim, Ezra would never do that to Aria also 'A' is trying to break them up?
Favorite Answer
Aria and Jason because Ezra is a much harder name to say than Jason and kids might say it wrong and bully him.
Definitely Aria & Ezra! You can tell that they're in love with eachother and Ezra really cares about her. Jason on the other hand is kinda creepy & he still can't be trusted.
Aria and Ezra their chemistry is amazing... And they love each other so much that they can't and refuse to leave one another
EZRA!! match made in heaven. Anyone that thinks she should be with Jason is dumb and not a true fan of pretty little liars.
But im pretty sure he's -A. Him or wren.
They are soooo cute together!!!