Excruciating rectal pain, cannot move, scary?
I had a laparoscopy in june 2010 for endometriosis. Ever since then I have had horrible rectal pain, usually before I have to use the bathroom, an sometimes randomly. When I experience this pain, I cannot move, cannot talk, usually just brace myself until it stops . And when I have a bowel movement I will bleed (think its from tearing) right now I am experiencing one (comes and goes) for 10 minutes. It's sharp, deep pain , its so
Bad I want to cry. I'm scared I don't think this is normal and I'm not constipated. I wonder If it has to do with my endometriosis, maybe it's in my bowels? I'm thinking about calling my doctor, but want to know if anyone has experienced this and what they did to help it. Im a 23 year old female, have hypothyroidism, endometriosis and back problems.