How can people keep seeking God's Kingdom as 1st place priority (Mt 6:33) when they don't know what it is?

The principal theme of the Bible is the sanctification of Jehovah’s name by means of the heavenly Kingdom Government in the hands of His enthroned Son and those who are called to reign alongside him. At Matthew 6:33 Jesus Christ taught his followers to seek FIRST the Kingdom, putting it ahead of other interests in life.

The Watchtower has frequently explained that by reason of the fact that He is the Creator, Jehovah / Yahweh God is the Universal Sovereign. He deserves to be held in highest esteem by His creatures (Revelation 4:11). However, very early in human history, a spirit son of God who made himself Satan the Devil defiantly challenged Jehovah’s sovereignty aka His right to rule (Genesis 3:1-5). Furthermore, Satan imputed selfish motives to ALL who served Jehovah (Job 1:9-11; 2:4, 5; Revelation 12:10). Thus the well being and peace of the entire universe was disrupted.

For decades now, Watch Tower publications have pointed out that Jehovah has made provision for settling these issues in a manner that magnifies not only his almighty power but also the greatness of his wisdom, his justice, and his love. A central part of that provision is the Messianic Heavenly Kingdom Government of God. By means of that Kingdom, mankind is given ample opportunity to learn the ways of righteousness. By means of it, the wicked will be destroyed, Jehovah’s sovereignty will be vindicated, and his purpose will be accomplished to make the earth a paradise populated with people who truly love God and one another and who are blessed with perfection of life.

Because of its importance, Jesus counseled his followers: “Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom.” at Matthew 6:10, 33. Jehovah’s Witnesses in modern times have given over abundant evidence that they endeavor to heed that counsel. However, my question is, HOW can others also heed the words of Jesus at Matthew 6:33 when the evidence shows that the majority of the world's population doesn't even know WHAT God's Kingdom is and or are divided in their understanding of it (for example, many people say that it is a condition of the heart, something inside a person but that doesn't add up with what Daniel 2:44 states about it)?



*** EDIT @ 'Rusty' who responded to me in part with... And I quote:
"Is the bible -- Gods holy words to us, your final authority on all matters of faith or is the watchtower publications your final authority ?"

The final authority on all matters of faith that I adhere to is the exact same final authority on all matters that the Bible study aid magazine entitled "The Watchtower: Announcing JEHOVAH'S Kingdom" adheres to... The Bible.

Try opening the Watchtower magazine to it's inside cover and actually READING in the top left hand corner what THE PURPOSE of the magazine is and while doing so, be sure to pay close attention to the very last sentence. In so doing you'll not only receive the answer to the question you gave me but you will also see how deep in ignorance you REALLY are on this as well as the question I posted here. BTW you (and others) are proving as true what 'Ryan' stated to apply in your case. Now, are ya gonna answer my


** Continued from above:

Now, are ya gonna answer my question I posted... Or, continue to avoid it? Does the question somehow "irritate" you and ya just can't seem to understand why? I *know* why.



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It seems that the answeres you are getting kinda prove your point, people seem to either avoid the subject or just rant! Its to bad the majority dont know or want to know what Jehovah's kingdom is and what its going to do.


So u think people have had ample time? Just kill em and let god sort it out? JW's can't wait for the end of the world! Even shows with their failed predictions in 1914,1925,1975 and most recently when they predicted "the CREATORS PROMISE of gods kingdom will come before the generation tht saw the events of 1914 dies" (check an awake mag printed in 1994 pg 4. The box at the bottom)
I would agree with u. ppl have had ample time to hear gods message. But he is all powerful. why not send a message out in bronze age china where people could read and were generally more educated, instead of bronze age Palestine? Or why not send his son now when it's so much easier to communicate and share media around the world?
Ur rite ppl dnt kno wot the kingdom is NO-ONE does! Ur trusting a 4000 year old book which if, I personally, told u tht I had seen those things u would call me a mental. But when it's written in book form and is old as the hills... Well must be true!! How credible and accurate is the story of Adam and eve? Or Noah's ark? think woman!
I suppose ur gonna get answers frm other JW's. Preaching to the converted, is a term tht comes to mind.


Mr .Reg enjoys talking to Jehovah's witnesses , but the above to explains calls for a lengthy typing session. So in reading the above question, instead here are a few of Mr. Reg's notes , Line (of the above question as typed ) Line 7 Nope, Catholic Dogma the Angels fell. Wrong SATAN made himself ,something ? probable allusion to an Ezekiel 28, based error, SATAN is not mentioned however . -magical occurrence (above noted writer asserts something on no known conclusive basis ) challenged God's right to rule where ,who said that based on what ? Line 15 Wicked not terminated ,not provable . LIne 16 -17 No millennial reign of Christ even in orthodox Christianity ,pure speculative exegesis Line 23 Daniel 2:44 Misunderstood Daniel 2:44 becomes natural rather than supernatural trans-dimensional

DS M2012-02-01T13:21:03Z

Mindy says: ***The final authority on all matters of faith that I adhere to is the exact same final authority on all matters that the Bible study aid magazine entitled "The Watchtower: Announcing JEHOVAH'S Kingdom" adheres to... The Bible. ***

Who translated your Bible? Obviously, it came from somewhere besides the dark dungeons in the Watch Tower basements where the translators are held like the deepest and darkest of secrets. Why don't you know who you are following since you believe them to be of God?

If they are "angels of light" and not pretending to be "angels of light," then you of all people should want this light of who is translating you Bible to shine brightly on the hilltop instead of under a bushel. Then, and only then can you assume that the Watchtower is actually following the Bible instead of being creative in their distortion of the words of God.

In the 23rd psalm, it says, "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want." I have direct access to God without the Watchtower mediator messing things up through mis-translating the word of God and then hiding the translators in the dungeon so they can not be brought into the light.

Gen 1:2 speaks of the spirit of God before the creation. We see Him filling David and Saul so they are able to utter the very words of God.

He is never described as an angel or created being as you did Satan. Nor can you find Him as a separate being with God when prophet describes God's throne room like the description found in Is.

Given He is the Counselor whom is God and who teaches us about Himself that the Watchtower rejects, perhaps you ought to answer your own question.

***HOW can others also heed the words of Jesus at Matthew 6:33 when the evidence shows that the majority of the world's population doesn't even know WHAT God's Kingdom is and or are divided in their understanding of it***

You should not wag your finger in God's face. To suggest that we save people while God does nothing flies in the face of everything the Bible says. On the contrary, while we are unfaithful, God woos us through His spirit.

What you need to understand is that God is "Holy". What makes Him Holy is that He is infinite and our current perspective is finite. In your current "body," you can't even imagine God anymore than you can imagine anything that is infinite.

If you think you can, then your understanding is dramatically underestimating Jehovah. When you mature spiritually, you will learn to have faith in Him, His love for His people, and for His ability to reach His people. He simply allows us to join Him in His work...which He is perfectly able to do without us.

Hope this helps


Jesus took the Disciples to Venus, Sirius and Pleiades which are realms that have

achieved Crystalline ascension to the 5th dimension.

Venus is the morning-star

Sirius is the star directly above the Great Pyramids.

and Pleiades are the SEVEN PILLARS.

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