Religion? Try to prove god exists. I'll give you an explanation to all your answers.?
I really need some hard facts on why you think there is a god. I'll try to give an explanation to all of your answers that you give me. Mind you that I am only 17 and I just want to know what makes you think its real. Also, may I ask these questions too?:
Scientific proof shows that dinosaurs were made hundreds of millions of years ago before people. How could the earth only be a few thousand years old as said in the bible?
Why do you think religion as in christianity is real? If you say because of the bible; let me say this, I can write something down in a book and call it real! I can paint a picture/write a book about a giant cookie and say it created us. If you would to say to me that its not real/obviously fake then whats the difference between it and a guy in the sky who created everything! Even himself somehow!
Hey, I am sorry if I had offended anyone!:( I was merely trying to post some thoughts. I feel like reading the bible to see for myself to what you guys are trying to convince me of. Please, post more answers still!:)
Favorite Answer
The earth could be a few thousand years old because radiometric dating is a farce.
No, Brad, this isn't a lie.
I am a creationist, and I am also a Certified Radiographer. Needless to say, I don't accept Wiki or Google when it comes to the age of the earth.
One thing that really helps me to understand the age of fossils is knowing that Radiometric dating is based upon ASSUMPTIONS, not facts. For example, everyone involved with Radiometric dating (regardless the specific method) relies on the constants today known as "decay rates," or half life. This is the time it takes for any radioactive isotope to decay to one half of its original activity rate. For example, two commonly used isotopes used today are Iridium 192 and Cobalt 60, which have half lives of 74 days and 5.3 years, respectively:…
The PROBLEM with ALL KNOWN radiometric dating methods is really elementary. No one was around during creation week in Genesis, when God made the heavens and the earth. Scientists today ASSUME that these decay rates which we observe today were also constant THEN, without any proof. No one was around during the creation of the world to record what took place, so how do we know that conditions were such that radioactive decay remained constant? To the contrary, polonium haloes show that earth was created QUICKLY; this 28 minute video really helps explain things:…
Now, of course, there are those who dispute what polonium haloes show, and there is plenty of conflicting information available out there, such as Kathleen Hunt's site which is devoted to promoting evolution and criticizing anything to do with biblical creation.
The way to keep your facts straight is to remember that talkorigins is OPINION, and Dr. Gentry's discovery of Polonium Haloes is scientific information published in peer-reviewed journals and is court-unrefuted testimony. If you want to "poke holes" in Dr. Gentry's findings, START with what is in published and peer reviewed scientific journals, and you won't find Dr. Gentry treated so blithely.
Here are problems with the big bang:
Just to let you know how unafraid I am of my common sense questioning, I also asked this question in Science & Geology:…
Yet Wikipedia blithely and matter of factly quotes "radiometric dating" as THE source of how old the earth is: Why are these unfounded assumptions allowed to stand in the scientific community?
There isn't a PhD in any known field in the world who can accurately date fossils and rocks, without the ASSUMPTIONS made during radiometric dating.
So, your facts are wrong about how old the earth was in quote of the Bible, show me in scripture where it says how old the earth is. you can't. Also the dinosaurs are true, but that was before human population came about. It doesn't specifically say what God did before he created humans, or how he created humans since Genesis is semantic poetry, same with song of songs, etc.. there's a lot of beautiful poetry in the bible that people don't understand, that's why they think its all fairy tails and fake. But, poetry can be true also. so, God probably didn't make dirt man (Adam) or rib woman (eve) because the people that started to write the Bible were Jewish Sheppard's sitting by a campfire telling these beautiful semantic poetic ideas, and that's what came about to the story of the beginning. The reason that I believe there is a God, is because i have seen his love work throughout my life. I used to be in a dark stage of my life, but then found God, and I have never been more happy in my life. He answers my prayers, and his prophesy in the bible is happening in today's world. Another reason why I believe there is a God is because of his son Jesus. Jesus performed miracles that were documented on things other than the Bible. I believe he died on the cross, and that I am forgiven. Plus, I had a near death experience as a child and I heard the voice of God, but at the time I was too young to understand who it was. It was definitely God. because no one was around when my experience happened. Another reason is because I read the Bible, and the New Testament explains humanity and things. Most of the New testament isn't poetic. (Also you have to look at the Books of the bible. each book has a different genre.) It all makes sense. Now onto evolution, you probably believe in evolution because of scientific proof. well, let me tell you this. An experiment was conducted and it proved that a single cell living in salt water, no oxygen, space/cosmic conditions, cant undergo Mitosis/ Meiosis because the salt concentration and no oxygen, cosmic conditions would kill it. Now you're probably saying that, "oh well a mutation occurred", well if a mutation occurred, and it kept splitting, then everything in the universe would be the exact same thing. which, it obviously isn't. there are water molecules, plant and animal cells, etc.. but noyou'rere going to say well everything is made up of the same things, Atoms! well, atoms differ from one another, they dont have the same electrons and protons neutrons etc.. then youre going to say oh well they split, well that would cause a massive explosion with everything, you might think that this is the Big Bang, but no, the big bang already happened. Therefore if you split atoms and try to replicate them, huge explosions would occur and we wouldn't exist. plus, where did the antimatter come from? how did it get there? Now onto another explanation, God has existed forever and ever. I know that it's very hard to get your mind around, i cant even get my mind around it, but thats what i believe and i dont really feel like trying to figure it out. (just like trying to prove that you have a brain) you know its there, but you havent seen it.) Now if you are correct and there is no God, then oh well. I have nothing to lose, but if I'm right, and you're wrong, well then you have sooooo much to lose. Why dont you try and give Christianity a try for your life on earth, and see how it impacts your everyday life? its quite simple. and it makes life more enjoyable too. ex. mission trips, retreats, spending time with friends, singing songs. Now if you're saying oh well its a waste of time, well you dont have to attend church, but its nice to. I suggest reading the Bible, start with the book of John, and keep reading. Its nice to read. What do you have to lose? I'll be praying for you. God Bless.
OK, I'll pose a few questions to your questions and maybe you can explain it to me, Mr 17 year old.
IF dinosaurs existed millions of years before man walked on earth, why do they find dinosaur fossils in the same layers of excavation sights as human remains in the Dakotas?
As for "let me say this, I can write something down in a book and call it real", the Bible consists of 66 books, written by at least 40 different authors over a period of about 1600 years, and YET no book or verse contaradicts another book/verse. Can your book also list hundreds of prophecies that have all come true and verified by even non religious historians? (btw, there are hundreds more that are yet to be fullfilled in the near future)
You should also keep in mind "science" isnt as infallable as you would like to believe. It was science that thought the earth was flat but the Psalms speak of it at the SPHERE of the earth that is hung on nothingness. It took until the late 19th century for science to discover that the life is in the blood, but yet it is mentioned in Deuteronomy written 3500 years ago. It is also science that thought that if man was to travel in excess of 60 mph, man would die. Science in the 1950's thought that the sound barrier was an invisible wall in the sky that would kill anyone that tried to break it. So, I wouldn't put all that much faith in your so called science.
If you were a true atheist you'd realize that proving or disproving the existence of a God is impossible. Most of us realize that an all powerful being may exist, may be "hiding" from us, or just doesn't exist.
NO WHERE does science say there is no God. NO REAL scientist will tell you there is a God or isn't a God. It doesn't work that way.
I already know you don't understand Christianity from your question alone. You claim the bible states the Earth is only a few thousand years old even though this is a lie.