Hello. I'm new to drawing in general but I would like to know how to draw games that are 2D mainly for the iphone. I've herd of programs like Gimp and inkscape, but I still need to know how to draw so they look 2D. Whats a good place to start and please be as specific as you can. I'm trying to draw something along the lines of Angry birds and Peggle, so nothing too complicated but I'm still new. Thank you for your help and have a nice day.
Favorite Answer
1 Determine what kind of 2-D game you want to make. Will it be a single-player game or a multiplayer online game? Will it be a real-time role-playing game (rpg), an explorer adventure game or a side-scroller platform game? These are the decisions you must make before you begin the game creation process.
2 Decide if you want to use a specific game-design software or start from scratch using a specific programming language. Visual Basic, Java, Flash and C++ are a few very popular languages for game design. Any of these that you have experience with would be a good choice.
3 Start the design of the graphics for your game. Nearly all of the time, your game will be judged on the quality of its graphics. If you are not a graphic designer yourself, you can contract out to a designer or purchase rights to graphics that have already been made. However, if you are experienced with graphic design, you can make your own game graphics with many programs like Adobe Photoshop or the Gimp.
4 Design your code base, probably the biggest part of the project. This will determine how game play and interaction works. If you are not an experienced programmer, then you must either run off a previously built engine or enlist a programmer to design the game for you.
5 Advertise to get people to play your game. One of the smartest things you can do is get an official website up and running. There are many free Web-hosting agencies that you can use. However, paid hosting for a real domain name is much wiser. This will make your game look legitimate. Use metatags and search engine optimization to get your website on engines like Google, Yahoo!, MSN and Dogpile.
Read more: How to Make Your Own 2D Game | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_4500129_make-own-2d-game.html#ixzz1ldEMjeqS