How was the American flag floating on the surface of the moon with the knowledge that there is no air?
We studied the moon's surface where there is no attractive ground or air or oxygen, how was the American flag floating on the surface of the moon?
We studied the moon's surface where there is no attractive ground or air or oxygen, how was the American flag floating on the surface of the moon?
Jason T
It wasn't floating. It was held out by a rod sewn in along the top edge precisely because in a vacuum it won't wave or even stand out from the pole.
This question amazes me, because it is patently obvious from even a cursory examination of the film, photos and TV that there is such a rod in the flag, and yet people still ask how it was done.
There is a WIRE running through the top of the flags that holds the flags out from the flag poles because there is no atmosphere on the Moon.
Floating? It was swinging like a pendulum after the pole (which had an l-shaped extension rod) was moved. With no atmosphere to brake it, it could maintain such oscillation far longer than it could on Earth, and with a much more regular period.
Jackson Temple
It's not floating. There's wires threaded through it keeping it stiff. You know... seeing as there's no air/wind to make it flap. ;)
Uhhhhh.. Another government coverup?