Upgrading PS3 hardrive, new harddrive indicates the PS3 does not..?

know what it is? how does this work, what do you do? says HD unsuppoted but is the ocrrect HD, how does it know it is in a Ps3, why isn't it working?

Glimmer Man2012-02-02T19:44:00Z

Favorite Answer

Give me the specs of the HDD, it's possible it's not compatible. You should also load the current FW onto a USB stick and then transfer it to your PS3. It's possible your PS3 won't recognize your HDD until you do this. Here is a link with the details. http://us.playstation.com/support/systemupdates/ps3/index.htm


120GB+ is considered the element at whihc an improve is worthwile. in spite of the shown fact that whne youmean youve got here upon a palce that sells PS3 harddrives you're conscious it doesnt could say PS3, it is going to use any pc hard drive (2.5" SATA) so ninety% of computing gadget shops will inventory a PS3 hard drive, and probs extra value-effective than a PS3 brnaded one ( soemone develop into attempting to sell charger cables for £10, while there the comparable because of the fact those that got here unfastened with my MP3 palyer n digi cam) basically the 360 needs to have a 360 branded hard drive.


Um.. I really think calling Sony themselves would be a greater solution. Faster as well. There's no one but amateurs here on this site