Is iced tea bad for you?

I started to have a lil craving for Iced tea since i was young,

Now that i have moved out of my house got my own job and saving to go to college.

i'm drinking iced tea all the time.

i buy a gallon to last me the week for breakfast, i buy a $1 can of Arizona zero calories iced tea
with lemon on lunch and i come home to fill a glass of water and pour some powder iced tea and
drink it.

i been doing this since november and been wondering if it's bad for my health.

i heard iced tea sticks to your teeth but never heard of anything bad for your health.

any comments?

please tell me!!!


Favorite Answer

Well iced tea has a lot of sugar in it (and citrus which explains the teeth part) but like
with any treat if you over do it, it can have consequences, if u live an unhealthy life and drink lots of this stuff then in the end it will hurt u. But if you exercise, eat healthy, then there should be any real health concerns!


Not in the event you brew it at dwelling and do not upload sugar. I'm not ever with out my physical activities bottle of iced tea. My document even requested one time what was once in it, what I more commonly drank, and whilst I instructed him he mentioned it was once very healthful on account that it had no sugar and to hold ingesting it for the water content material.


Dont drink anything with "zero calories" that crap has bad stuff in it. iced tea is good but you should drink real tea from actual tea
leaves. nothing powdered

chunky munky2012-02-03T00:49:33Z

read the ingredients on the pack,if it has sugar in it,yes it will rot your teeth and make you gain weight,if it has artificial sweetners in it,these are basically just chemicals(manmade and totally bad for you),why not try some herbal or fruit tea bags,you may still need to add sugar/honey but they are natural and gotta be better for you x just make sure you brush your teeth well and chew sugar free gum in between x


well, sugar free iced tee is good for you. if our drinking arizona, its close to as bad as soda. calories mean next to nothing.

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