Obama supporters, please tell me how 1.2 million people leaving the workforce is a good thing.?


Seriously, all you uninformed people out there are hollering about 8.3% unemployment, but you ignore how it is calculated. The fact is that 1.2 million people left the workforce IN ONE MONTH! That is not recovery, that is a disaster.

Do these facts not affect your opinion at all? If not, why not?

Chewy Ivan 22012-02-03T10:46:33Z

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No, it doesn't change my opinion at all. Obama doesn't own the economy. Republicans in Congress can't spend a whole year blocking every single policy Obama proposes and then claim he owns the economy. That's like the government blocking the oil industry from having any drilling rights and then accusing the oil industry of being failures as a business.

Texas Mike2012-02-03T18:43:12Z

I am one of those. 99 weeks on unemployment and no bites. So I am done working. Companies tell me they cannot hire because they are overtaxed and government regulations are not clear.

Even stocks are screwed up. I cannot get my 2011 tax info until Feb 15 because the government has not acted. Some data not available until March.

A government with no approved budget in 2 years is really sad.


People leave the workforce for a variety of reasons. Moving out of the country, retiring, and moms and dads staying at home while their spouse works. These numbers are not out of the ordinary. It doesn't change my opinion because the unemployment numbers have been calculated the same way for decades, and now all of sudden things are going in the right direction and people like you have to point out all these other factors. I didn't hear any of you pointing this out 8 years ago.


data is always manipulated no matter who the president is.
this is standard knowledge to anyone who pays attention and knows how unemployment numbers
are calculated.
you can't make companies hire people. maybe if obama did away with the minimum wage so that business owners could make more money and the working poor could then afford a tent instead of a house to live in.
when someone tells exactly how unemployment is only obamas fault then it will change my opinion

Eric R2012-02-03T19:40:59Z

Actual unemployment is +/- 20%!!

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