What is reverse two tracking?

I just read an article about one rein stop (which I have never tried) says" I have found that side passing two tracking and reverse two tracking are the best places to start.

I have never heard that expression and wonder how to accomplish it and what it does? Article by Arron Raulston. in The Horse Communicator.

gale hawk2012-02-05T10:27:50Z

Favorite Answer

Since no one else has answered I will take a stab.

You can do a shoulder-in and a quarters-in in leg yielding so all I can think of is he is talking about the orientation via the track in the half-pass. Towards the center and away from the center. I have never heard of it but I had to quit rigorous riding years ago due to a back injury (Darn it)

None of my dressage books or the internet mentions the term.