Madonna and the HalfTime Show - your thoughts?

Every year, they try too hard to be over the top - why couldn't she just do a medley of her best songs...glad she did VOGUE, but what about Cherish, Crazy for You, Lucky Star...and if she wanted to really blow it out, do FOUR MINUTES with Justin TImberlake. By the way - was she lipsincing?

Uncle Bob2012-02-05T17:46:33Z

Favorite Answer

I've seen better. ...I just cant remember when, though.

The Disintegrator2012-02-06T06:00:38Z

My only real complaint is that Madonna is 54 years old and she's trying to keep up with the young pop stars. Despite whether she was lip syncing or not, she could barely get through the "dance moves" without help and a lot of effort. It just looked terrible. Maybe she should be on Dancinig With The Stars and get some lessons/tips on dancing well.


It sucked........ I agree about the medley. Yes of course she lip sync


I liked it! I think it's good that she lip synced, if she didn't it would have been absolutely horrible!


It looked like they all were lip syncing... Could of been better...