Madonna and the HalfTime Show - your thoughts?

Every year, they try too hard to be over the top - why couldn't she just do a medley of her best songs...glad she did VOGUE, but what about Cherish, Crazy for You, Lucky Star...and if she wanted to really blow it out, do FOUR MINUTES with Justin TImberlake. By the way - was she lipsincing?


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Why can't they do someone new for once.... Madonnas had her time as a pop artist, I think it's time for her to retire.... They should put someone who is doing good on the charts on the half time show not someone who did good on the charts 30 years ago.....

Miss 62012-02-06T01:58:33Z

Yeah I believe she was lip- syncing in some spots if not the whole thing. I think she did a really great job! I'm laughing cause I've been singing Lucky Star for the last few days! But I was happy with her song choices her choreography was great she always has great dancers! I think it was good visually. I mean OK if you're not a Madonna fan I can understand if you didn't like it but you have to give it to her she did a great job! When I saw her entrance of her channeling Liz Taylor I knew it was going to be good! & you know I completely forgot she's in her 50's.


In the Olympics, you have Dara Torres and she is competing again in the London 2012 Olympics at age 45, battling with the 15-17-year old swimmers! I wasn’t born yet when Dara Torres competed in the 1984 Olympics. And I heard that Janet Evans is returning to the Olympics too, she’ll be 41. In the Entertainment industry, you have Betty White and Hugh Hefner who are still strong at 90! Roger Moore was 58 years old when he made his last James Bond movie in 1985, A View to a Kill. What is next, a 90-year old running for president?

daljack -a girl2012-02-06T01:55:52Z

All singers lip-sync at the half-time's how it's done now.

I love Madonna and think everything she does is great so I was happy with her show.


SHE SLAYED MY SOUL. If she was in her 20's or whatever I would think the performance was okay. But she is 53 and she working it! And yeah she was lip syncing

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