B & B If Liam & Hope pair up and a hurt Steffi clings onto Bill leaving Katie out?
in the cold, ignoring her "heart problems"how many think he'd change his mind because of all the manipulating Katie's been doing with Liam &Steffi's marriage.Katie & Brooke did interfere & were PROUD of it. Despite how much he loved Katie, she is not being a devoted wife to him & of course she sides with the Logan branch breaking up Liam's marriage. But Bill's got one huge problem...Katie didn't sign a pre nup & can take half of Bill's company, unless he is sneaky enough to stop her or find some loop hole.If he could find out she was lying about how serious her illness really was, that's fraud. Bill's got enough sneaky lawyers to do some miracle legal work to do to get Liam with Steffi again.
Daisy ❀✿❀✿❀2012-02-06T11:26:28Z
Favorite Answer
Katie chose interfering in someone else's marriage over the happiness of her own marriage. She clearly doesn't want to stay married to Bill that badly. She may just let Steffy have Bill. Or she at least won't have a heart attack over him leaving her. But she could potentially end up with a lot of money and control... that would actually be a good storyline. She plays the role of evil controlling bytch very well.
I think Katie was right to tell the truth that is what I like about her she tells it straight and you just know that Bill and Steffie will end up together in the future so don't worry about Steffie she always works things out for herself and if she can't have Liam she will find some other woman's husband to attache her fangs too
I like Katie but in this case she asked for what she got if Steffie and Bill wind up together again. She was so busy trying to kick Steffie out of her 'family' and hook Hope and Liam back up that she forgot that she was making Steffie a free agent to go after Bill again. I guess she's never heard of the saying "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer".
I think that should be the way it goes, bill and steffi, then Steffi has Liam's baby. now that would be a storyline, and how much can you put in 19 minutes of a show?> not much. think about it.. to many actors I think. bit I have to admit, if I am home I watch it.
You're forgetting that Bill was cheating on Katie, I really hope that Katie does get rid of Bill, Boozer Dollar Bill can have Steffi!! Katie deserves better and I think she did fake that heart attack too..lol..=)