Question about a Dog Rescue?

Ok this is mostly for people who know about the history/rep this place has

Anyways - How the heck is Gentle Giants rescue still in business? I mean honestly amid numerous reports of how filthy the rescue is at different times, the condition many dogs have been sent home in, bait and switch after a specific dog has been paid for, lawsuits against adopters for not feeding GG brand food etc, how are they still in business? I mean besides the fact of who owns/runs this rescue?


Actually they are in California. if you found one in ontario that means there's at least a SECOND rescue with the same name that has to deal with possibly being connected to the one in Cali.

Sam: Being sick and bored helps. Plus Eris(the cat from hades) has gotten used to her new collar and is no longer trying to eat it.


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I'm just commenting out of shock that you asked a question on here:)

My guess is seone is having sex with the powers that be that *could* shut them down. Or they are their drug supplier.

Edit. I actually don't know anything about the rescue, but do know that sometimes the reasons I mentioned above are the exact reasons things stay open, some go unprosecuted, etc.

It's also possible so long as no real laws are being broken, nothing the law can do. That's why mills stay open. Well, one of the reasons, anyway.

Edit again. You don't need to wear that A anymore. The US and other parts of the world aren't quite as hypocritical as they were a few hundred years ago. Or less, though some nations are. Especially since the men involved should have also worn that A.

I'm just razzing you.


Just like any puppy mill would stay in business - ignorance on the part of the buyer.

It helps that they label themselves a "rescue", have puppies available at all times, AND there is such a market for really large or really small dogs. And those awful mixed breeds.

And of course having a famous man run it doesn't hurt, either.

Sorry you're sick, Rayven. I've been sick for the past few days and I do not deal with being sick very well - I'm miserable.

Gypsy Woman2012-02-06T21:40:44Z

OMG I have asked this before. That rescue is HORRID! They seem like a puppy mill disguised as a rescue, with all those mixed breed (all the "oodle" type puppies") and rare breed puppies they have. I live fairly close to where they do "business" (Norco area) and pretty much everyone locally knows to go no where near there. From what I understand they have been closed down several times and would reopen under different names. I think the whole reason they stay open is because of the money the guy who owns it supposably has.

My question:;_ylt=ApEtUx5VkHi5I__8BbvIZJzty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20101219112811AAT1Xss

Highbread Dingbat2012-02-06T21:25:51Z

Never heard of it before, so looking it up now.
Not surprising they're Ontario based.

I've really got no idea how they're still around

Ah all I got was the Google suggestion "Gentle Giants rescue Ontario"
Re-searching now I actually don't think there is one here.
The website alone should be enough reason to get rid of them. Total assault on my eyes.
Would LOVE to know how they're claiming to get all these uncommon breeds of dog.

As far as I'm aware, Peruvian Inca Orchids are not permitted to be exported out of Peru - except in the case of Obama, I think they were willing to give him one.

Again, really not a clue.


All I can think is, they have fvcking Xolo puppies for "adoption"??? What freaking rescue has such a "rare" breed, 8 week old puppies, for adoption????? Are you kidding me?!?!?!

EDIT: There are Peruvian Inca Orchids in the states. The are recognized with the UKC and FCI, and the AKCs Foundation Stock. However, the number is EXTREMELY limited, and importation is no longer allowed so I do question how they would have such a rare breed in rescue or even access to breeding stock. I suspect they are breeding xolos and passing them off as peruvian incas. Especially since mexican clubs distinguish no difference between the two

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