...and the D800/D800E has been announced?

and what do all of you think.

I want the D800E



The D800 is just as expensive as the 5D Mark II

I am a Nikon user, but even if I am not and I can afford it, I would probably think of getting one.

I don't know how Canon would re-act on this. I would think they would low down the price of the 5D Mark III to compete with the D800

Crim Liar2012-02-06T22:57:42Z

Well at least it answers the question regards Sony's A800 that was originally being developed in parallel. I guess Sony's model will await their SLT replacement technology - wonder if Canon will launch their top end mirror-less (I'm talking full DSLR equivalent not a compact system) system first!

The biggest surprise for me in the figures is that the video is not what I was expecting; being limited in duration and fps!


I think nothing. That's how unmindful a Pentax user can be.