Mp demo, can you tell which photo was taken with a full frame DSLR and which was done with a...?
vintage 2002, 3mp, Point and shoot (HP715).
Which is which, DSLR or PnS...
Sample 1:
Sample 2:
Both were resized to be the same dimensions and approx the same file-size, and to have a large displayed size.
The point: MP count is but one of numerous factors to consider in a camera. If most of your photos require little cropping, if the largest print you intend to make is 8X12, or if all your material goes to digital media...even 3mp can work well!
Hmmmm in photoshop, what happens when you layer a photo from one camera over another. Which exif data remains, even if the original photo is no longer visible...
How much effort would a forensically trained, semi-retired photographer put into a project to try to fool total strangers.
In honor of Clint Eastwood after his "Halftime" ad for Chrysler,-Do you feel lucky, Jim!
Did he swap Exif or not....Brahahahaha (evil laugh) ;-)