Rat is ill, Not sure what to do.?

I noticed yesterday that one of my new male rats (got Saturday) seemed lethargic and quieter than the other, he seems to have gotten worse over the night, he's sneezing (not much but a bit) isn't eating as much and it a little dehydrated, He sometimes hunches over and he's fluffed up which I know are all signs of pain in rat, I've booked a vet appointment for tomorrow morning but I'm so worried that it's something, I spoke to someone who knows rat and they said it could be URI from the stress of moving but I'm unsure of what I can do for the morning, I've seen him nibbling on some food and he doesn't mind being held but sits quietly in my lap after sniffing about.
I don't know what to do until the morning, is there anything I can do to help him, I'm so worried.


*something serious


Favorite Answer

You've done the right thing by booking a vets appointment. It does sound like a URI which can be brought on by stress. In the meantime, to help him relax, give him a small, pea sized chunk of chocolate. It is not poisonous to rats and has been known to help to clear their airwaves and just make breathing a bit easier in rats with a URI. Also, you could take him into the bathroom with you when you have a shower, the steam can also help with breathing difficulties however as he is pretty new to you, don't do that unless you're sure it won't stress him out more.
Make sure he is not living on pine or ceder bedding. If he is then change it to ripped newspaper for the night and then buy some carefresh bedding or some yesterdays news (paper based cat litter).

I hope this helps and good luck at the vets. Oh and I would take both of your rats to get checked out as URI's can be transmitted from one rat to another.


This does sound like a uri. These can be caused by useing shavings. Always use recycled paper bedding.


Feed it to a snake .