Parents hate my tattoo?

I got a tattoo about 6 months ago and I love it. However, I can't help but feel guilty about it sometimes because my parents hate it. They say it makes me look like trash (it's a Johnny cash tattoo) and you can just feel them staring at it all the time with disdain. I am 20 and I would just like to live my life, but this (along with other things) seems to make it impossible. Anyway to overcome the guilt they are constantly throwing my way?


Favorite Answer

Your parents are right.


Try to remember us golden oldies are from a different generation...One ear piercing...One tattoo and it was usually military men that got them...My daughter went nuts with tattoos and piercings when she moved out at 19...And yes, I have a problem with all of this but I'm from a different generation and it took some time and a few disagreements for me to understand that you'lls generation see it as body art and creative self expression but not all parents are willing to be open minded like that...So when you start to feel guilty, just try to remember and accept they are from a different generation and don't go around and carry the guilt...But I would try to keep it covered up when you're around them outta respect and to avoid drama and having your feelings hurt...

♠ Merlin ♠2012-02-07T20:14:58Z

realistically after 6 months your parents have milked that cow dry
ok they dont approve but to have disdain on their faces 6 months down the line is a bit much

you are 20
its your body and its nothing wrong or offensive
they really need to let you make these decisions on your own now
respect they dont like it and leave it at that
guilt is non productive


Don't worry about them. You're 20, and they still controlling you about what to do with your life? Your 20 for christ's sakes. If you love the tattoo, you love it then. Don't let your parents make you hate it.


They are your parents, you can't always expect their exceptance with everything. My mom most likely hates my subtle piercings and makes me hide my tattoo when im around my grandmother because she is afraid of what "society" would think. Don't feel guilty. Enjoy your prime years.

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