Need help in skyrim(ps3) quest...?

i was doing this "waiking nightmare" quest and i completed the second part of talking to erandur, but when he said me to follow him, i went out of the nightcaller temple and didnt finished the quest at that time. After a week when i went to resume this quest then this dude erandur is not there in the temple and the first door is closed.. Any thing i can do, plz guys let me know.. Thanks in advance


Favorite Answer

ok i think it's a bug check out bugs for this quest in this wiki page

or load an old save


hey I additionally did this. I have been given it for ps3 and my d pad replaced into ******* up so i did not supply him and ingredient luckily b4 u bypass I'n the kitchen there's a steel dagger on plate and a awl I'n the kitchen if u did not locate thos then it is gonna b tough. I truthfully have been raging for hours attempting to try this and that i discovered a manner if ur resection is extreme adequate have that and a dagger out and then circle the full courtyard decrease back interior the 1st development and attack the guards then circle the courtyard returned together as healing might take a together as yet i'm specific if u concentration adequate u can do it. attempt to kill a minimum of one shield and grab his armor and weapon. together as healing attempt to not get right into a corner and hire ur shouts they might come I'n accessible. desire this enables. I havent even have been given bypass it yet yet so a strategies i'm looking good. GL