Do you have to tip for free services?

This weekend I'm going to my salon to get some waxing done, and while I'm there I'll also be getting a free facial (and goody bag) that I won on their Facebook page, when they had a little contest a few days ago.

I always tip the esthetician who does my waxing 20% because she always does a great job. I've never had a facial at my salon, but I'm sure it'll be great, like all their services. My question is, do I tip the esthetician for the facial, even though it was free? It's a $150 value, so a 20% tip would be $30...which is kind of a lot. I don't want to come across as a cheap, crappy customer, but at the same time it seems kind of odd to have to pay $30 for something that was supposed to be free that I won in a contest.

Just not sure what the etiquette here is - please enlighten me!


Mr. Warrior...I believe I came across as a courteous and polite, long time customer, who always tips well, and was very polite in asking for clarification on something I was unsure of. I have never received a free service like that, and I want to make sure that I follow the proper etiquette for the situation. Your answer was snippy and patronizing. A simple "Yes, you still tip, even if the service is free." would have sufficed.


Favorite Answer

I would say give a small tip. Maybe not the $30 but what ever you feel is right based on the level of service. When ever we have our dogs nails cut for free I will still give a small tip usually $5-$10 just to show appreciation

Mr Warrior2012-02-08T06:11:56Z

Give someone an inch, and they take a mile.

Just because you get something for free or $30 for that matter, does not mean you leave respect and politeness at the door.

Of course you should still tip.


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