Hair: How do I change my part?

Ok every morning I part my hair to the side, but after like two minutes in goes back to the middle. Without hairspray (doesn't work) how do I get it to stay!?!


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after you wash it, part the hair the way you want it to go hold it there and blow dry. Plus also straightening it in that direction after blow drying helps. I use to have straight across bangs and i let them grow out so i could pull them to the side, it took me about a week or two before my bangs would stay, but i have never used any hair product for it.


um well first get a coooommmb or a bruuuuuusssshhh sorry idk why im talking like that :) any way so get a brush and brush ur hair back loosely like u r about to put in a pony tail but looser, u will then be able to see where it is capable of going. then once u find where u want it to go brush it like that, every time u get out of the shower clip ur hair to the side and then in the morning it should stay and just keep doing that, eventually it should stay comftorably on it's own :)


right after you shower, part it where you want it. Then wait until it's pretty dry:) when you wakeup in the morning and its normally all over the place just try to put it back where you had it when you parted it after the shower:)


Do everything they all said ^^ and pin your hair to that side. Do this consistently for about a week. It should be trained by then.


When your hair is wet, part it the way u want then blow dry it that way

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