Hair: How do I change my part?

Ok every morning I part my hair to the side, but after like two minutes in goes back to the middle. Without hairspray (doesn't work) how do I get it to stay? I have put it to the side every morning for the past few weeks. I need help!


Favorite Answer

You have to train your hair to part whichever way you want it to go. When your hair is wet part it however you want it & blow dry it that way. You have to do this EVERYDAY. It may look weird at first but once its trained to go that way it shouldn't be a problem.

yuri ♥2012-02-10T20:09:04Z

You can actually try wrapping your hair.
Watch this video, it really works and you can part your hair anyway you like in the morning :)
It may take a little while for your hair to get to wrapping.

It Hurts2012-02-10T20:04:22Z

Its never gonna happen!