Don't you hate it when parents ask you " how was school?"?
Like what do they think the answer is!
Like what do they think the answer is!
Favorite Answer
No, I think it's nice that parents care enough to ask.
lol Yeah I didnt like that very much....... "School was awesome! I was 3 minutes late for class so I get to stay late tomorrow :) ....At lunch they served slop with 2 choices of vegetables and warm milk :)!.....After that, my teacher took up the essays which I forgot to do :). Lastly, some girl bumped into me and said that the next time she saw me, she'd beat my face in! ^_^ I had a blast! And the best part is, tomorrow! I get to do it all over again! :)"
Senator Padme Amidala Skywalker
Yeah I hate it worse when I had a really bad day at school it's like they knew I did that's why they are asking just to rub it in.
My parents barely ask me that question, and when they do I don't care that much about it and I'll just respond by saying how it was.
They don't ask frequently that question so maybe that's why I'm not annoyed.