Please Help This is IMPORTANT!!?

My friend's mum was killed yesterday, tomorrow is the funeral however my mum does not want me to go but i've known this girl for 3 years and people say "in times like these you know who your real friends are" and if i don't go i'll feel so bad! Please help what can I do, i asked a friend to help me convince my mum but her phone is off!


Favorite Answer

I am so, so, sorry for you and your friend. I feel you should tell your mom how you feel. It sounds lame, but, it is usually affective. even if you can't go, offer loving kindness to your friend, and to her family. When my best friends grandmother died, we did a lot of little things-we made them a homemade dinner, let them call anytime (and I mean ANY time) they needed to talk about it, and on the day of the funeral, we left them the biggest bouquet of flowers on the doorstep of the house. eve though you don't have to do exactly this, just do what you feel comforted by if it had happened to your mother.
Iam so sorry for your loss, and i hope very much your friends family will recover.


I'm sorry to hear that! All I can say is you really are a true friend and i'm sure that if you can go it will mean a lot to your friend. As far as your moms concern, just ask your mom how she would feel if she was in that position or if her dearest friends mother died would she not go? Tell your mom that if nothing then you can come along but it would mean a lot to your friend and to you if you even show up to comfort her. Again I am very sorry for your friends loss I know how it feels to lose someone who is very special and my advice to you is that you should really go attend the funeral and your making a good decision. -Good Luck-


I'd tell your friend (the one whose mother died) that your mom is saying and no and ask HER to help convince your mom (That way she knows the situation and knows that you're actually trying to go). You should tell your mom that quote and that your friend really needs you especially at a time like this. Hope she says yes):
Best of luck<3


Convince her.
Obviously she's worried about you . If you really need to go ask mum for an hour's grant..and assure her you'll be back in time ..i hope this helps..

Sorry to hear the bad news.


well your friend is in real crisis.she needs your should convince your mum, infact you should take her along. just tell your mum that it could happen with anyone,anywhere and you need to help your friend in need.
i don't understand why isn't she letting you go.try to convince her yourself or ask your friend's mum to talk to her.

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