People say that nothing coming from nothing is absurd and yaddah, but is christianity really different?

The definition of Christianity is that there is someone that was kind of just always there in the middle of nothing, outside of space and time for no reason WHO for no reason has magic powers to produce anything out of nothing and to control this anything with more magic powers that they have for no reason (as well as be omnipresent in his creations, and to know everything about them (and sometimes still maintain a single entity)). Then, this random being(who controls everything mind you) decides to create imperfect beings (again for no reason) that worship him. He then for no reason allows these imperfect beings to infect more almost perfect beings, and then punishes everyone for doing exactly what he wanted. Following this, he destroys his only son to please himself and remove the wrath he has on his own imperfect creations for doing as they were designed, and then tells some of them that if they believe on him because some people told them to, they'll be able to go his magic realm to worship him forever(and technically he chooses which people get to do this) and other creations(satan, fallen angels) that they get no second chance and it glorifies Him for them to eternally liquify in a fiery world of the worst things imaginable. This being also claims that he is the defintion of love, and promises things will be easy after he destroys his previous imperfect world that he initially allowed to exist for thousands (if not billions) of years. He also asks you to try to be exactly like him.


I think by imperfect you mean...Free Will and in His image.
I think for no reason you mean...To Have Dominion Over The Earth (mind You?)
You mean by letting them infect more perfect (You said it!) beings...To Have Sex.
Then punishes everyone (that includes you sitting in a computer in Y!A -boy that's TOUGH!
By what he wanted you mean...We gave away the dominion given to us to an unemployed cherub because he made us doubt we were created in His image?
Who said we were going to heaven forever?...Oh I see you are believing religious people - the same kind of people that killed His son...Remember Caifas
We were created for earth...Heaven is just an Interlude until a New Heaven and a New Earth is created...LOL

You have been mislead greatly probably by religious people.

-Matthew 6:33

Damon Cox2012-02-13T19:12:04Z

The qualifications for God is that he is eternal no begining or end he exists outside of time space and matter wich makes him omnipresent.also adam and eve both had free will and a desire for knowledge like most normal beings.the snake was the problem that increased disier plus before sin people would probably listen to talking snake ( not calling them stupid but back then they had no reason not to believe it)


No scientific theory or explanation anywhere claims "something came from nothing." So when christians claim that, they're making up a straw-man.

The catholic (christian) church, however, has an official statement: that if you don't accept that "god created the universe from nothing," then you're not a member of their church, and are to be shunned.

How about that.



The same God that created something like 300 sextillion stars in His spare time could not find Adam in the garden because Adam was hiding behind a bush?! I would think that such a Goober God would have trouble hitting the ground with His hat, let alone create something lilke the universe.


Try and tell them that. If God knew how I would turn out then why would I be punished to hell for an eternity of damnation, suffering, pain, and horror? Sounds like a loving omnipotent God to me.

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