replacing ps3 hard drive?

ok so i have been thinking about replacing my old 120 gb hdd with a 500gb one but i have a fear that if i try to put the old hdd back in to play the locked saves i have on there that it will format the hdd will it do that cuz i dont want to lose my max level demon souls characters

Glimmer Man2012-02-17T22:13:58Z

Favorite Answer

If you reinstall your old HDD, your PS3 will recognize it because it was already formatted to that specific PS3. There is no need to do this though. What you need do is a full system back up to an external HDD or a large USB stick (one that has more GB storage than is currently being used by your PS3) and then restore that data to your new HDD. All your data will restore, even copy-protected saves.