What is the main difference between an Apple and a Pear?

Not just the taste.


Favorite Answer

softness when ripe
the tree the fruit grew on
the spelling

Mars Mission Australia2012-02-17T09:17:14Z

The plant it came from, appearance, taste, texture, colour.

Good Luck.

Best Wishes.

Mars Mission Soon In A Galaxy Near Yours..


Studies & Dictionary.


aspects are component of it. Cider is maximum diverse, being fermented from apples, frequently with champagne yeast. Ale is definitely one of those beer. It differs from lager interior the strains of yeast used and the temperature for fermentation. There are some exceptions, mutually with California elementary. notwithstanding all beers are created from grains, yeast, water and (in simple terms approximately continuously) hops.


My apple isn't so good,but I've got a nice pear. :)


Good question. They're both great sources of fiber, both have several varieties and skins, both have basically the same texture. I'm stumped ha ha I've never thought about it.

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