Wind of Change, by the Scorpions ?

For so many who were coming of age in 1989, this song captures the hope of youth, who were witnessing the Iron Curtain coming down. The story of one who has grown up throwing rocks against the Iron Curtain awaking one night while "Following the Moskva Down to Gorky Park" to realize that even the "Soldiers passing by" are just like him. "Like brothers." It was before the Russian Mafia, before the collapse of the Union and Chechnya, before September 11, when it seemed like maybe, just maybe, all the big troubles were about to be solved. The magic of change and people coming together peacefully and the promise of a brighter future. It takes one to the magic of the moment, but it seems there is still a lot of strife for many people and more curtains need to come down, so to speak.

Music holds so much promise for the young . . . do you think it delivers?


turn up your speakers


Thanks for posting this . . I hadn't heard it in some time. In answer to your question . . yes, I think it was a magical moment in time . . and though there is a lot of strife in the world still, and there are more Curtains that need to come down as some new ones are going up . . .I think though, that music delivers . . It delivers hope to the youth . . it delivers a sense of oneness and a connection . . the magic of awakening youth and the spirit of possibilities.

I know it's difficult to think that we've made any changes when you look at all that's going on in the world today. There are some very tough choices that need to be made and at some point, I would like to think that the peoples on this planet will live more harmoniously . . . So many artists profess it, and so many youth are affected by it . . it does make for a better world regardless of what turmoil there is


Yea, I like that tune.


Yes, it does.