Are there any pornos about Jeasus Bible?
Someone told me about Christianity and this bro Jeasus that sounds cool like a good read at least because I like Superhero stories but the book he gave me is REALLY long, like Harry Potter long and I don't really want to read it all because it's in french or something but I really enjoy good erotic/pornographic films and I was wondering if maybe some Christian porn studio made a porno about Jesus that would be a good starting point, preferably two or more so I could ultra-**** on my five monitor display while learning even more about the adventures of Jeasus and his bible.
Preferably something with redheads and blondes, I really prefer redheads and blondes.
Along with that a good modern action film, with bullet time and explosions, no cheesy old effects movie unless it's kung fu I really dig Michael Bays directorial style and if there's a movie like that about this guy I would love to see it.