In India, does a person's last name determine his religion?

© ¶ ¥ ®2012-02-17T20:25:32Z

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In almost every country this is so.

If surname is Khan etc - Muslim
Taylor etc - Christian
Shukla etc- Hindu


Sometimes. If they have an Arabic name, they are probably Muslim (Ahmad, Yusuf, Ali, etc). If they have a European name they are probably Christian (D'Souza, DeMello, Russell, etc.). If they have a Parsee name they are probably Parsee (Ruzbih, Wadhia, Duruwalla, etc.). But it's not always obvious; sometimes people named Patel are Hindu, sometimes they are Jain. People named Singh are usually Sikhs. If they are named after a Hindu god they are most likely Hindu (Krishna, Radha, Rama, etc.) However, as someone pointed out, some Indians change their religion or have no religion at all.




not necessarily. Besides, there are people there who change religions, but who don't change their name. What then?