Isn't it interesting to note that Klaus von Stauffenberg, the one who came closest to killing Hitler, was a?

. . . "devout Roman Catholic" ("Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", William L. Shirer, 1981 Touchstone edition, paperback, p. 1028) who, despite his "characteristic energy" which he initially devoted to being a professional German soldier in Nazi German, was also THE man who, once he discovered that "the Jews, Russians, and POWs behind the lines" were being exterminated, characteristically devoted himself to the assassination of Hitler, even at the risk of his own life, in Operation Valkyrie, which resulted in his own execution by firing squad? It was reported that he was doing "much more" than the other conspirators in this attempt to overthrow Hitler. "His dynamic personality, the clarity of his mind, the catholicity of his ideas and his marked talents as an organizer infused new life and determination into the conspirators." (pp. 1028 & 1029). And all we hear here on Answers is that Hitler was Catholic and that the Pope (Pius XII) aligned himself with Hitler. Isn't it nice to know the truth as opposed to the ignorant and prejudiced lies? No one could've been more pro-Jew than Pope Pius XII, but his intellect was so high and the prejudice against the Church was (and is) so enormous that ignorance and hate and prejudice prevailed over knowledge and truth. Klaus von Stauffenberg, who was known for his "brilliant, inquisitive and splendidly balanced mind" would be grossly insulted to be in the presence of such ugly stupidity, as would Pope Pius XII. Since what I'm saying here is very well known fact, answers aren't really necessary.


Peter: The focus here is on Klaus von Stauffenberg, not the book, BUT, what may appeal to you is the knowledge that since the book was challenged so long ago, the author went back and in many ways "re-wrote" the book such that its accuracy was no longer questioned. It may also be of interest to note that the book was originally published in 1959, and the version I quoted was published 22 years later, well beyond the "re-write". Also, the quotations I provided were NOT a part of the book in question. I just wanted to answer you so that others who read this question can realize that my use of the book was well checked out for it's truth and accuracy, and the material I addressed has been mirrored in several other publications. I know I find it interesting the publications where the facts AREN'T as reliable, such as the History Channel and Military Channel and its network on tv, wherein they freely attack any part of the Catholic Church in WWII, in direc


. . .direct contradiction to the truth. God Bless you.


New Dad: My Second Major in college was History, a subject matter that interested me way back into my youth when I first read about Julius Caesar around age 10. I hope you find my readings favorable since they are well researched.


Favorite Answer

And Claus von Stauffenberg never joined the Nazi Party.

In the early 1930s, The German bishops excommunicated any and all Catholics who joined the Nazi party, wore the, or flew the swastika flag (including Adolph Hitler).

With love in Christ.


Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is a notorious flawed book containing many factual errors about:


1. The Reichstag fire
2. IMT USSR-008
3. Herman Rauschning's letters
4. Hossbach protocol

I'm not commenting on von Stauffenberg, just the book overall.


That hunk Tom Cruise played the part of the man who tried to kill Hitler and did a beautiful job.

Ѧashiq- Due 8/17 ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶2012-02-19T03:09:18Z

"Since what I'm saying here is very well known fact, answers aren't really necessary."

Well why did you ask a question on R&S then?


I still think it's much more significant that Hitler gained power specifically by appealing to Christians on the basis of their religion, as evidenced by his speeches.

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