Do you actually like dating?

For some reason I just don't enjoy dating. I find it to be kind of corny/cheesy. If its a girl I know rather well, dating her is fine but when it's someone I don't know that well it just doesn't seem like that much fun.

Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?

Kathleen Germany2012-02-19T13:38:48Z

Favorite Answer

Dating is the way to find out just what a person is like .......what do you want ? just get strait to the sex part ? without dating first ?


It is honestly up to the person. When my ex and i plit I just wanted to date a bunch of men and test the waters and you can do some really intereesting things and meet some interesting people along the way. sometimes you make realy good friends and sometimes the person isnt a friend or dating material for you but you had fun anyways. Of course there are bad dates but there are some fun ones haha. I had some guy through his hands in the air fist pump and call himself "the boss" when we were going to the movies...I thought he was a freak and I almost ran out of the theater but thinking on it now I laugh so hard at some of the silly things. Another date I went on this guy all he talked about were vitamins and working out and gym equipment haha. but it is up to the person whether or not they like going out on a bunch of dates. At the time I wasnt wanting anything serious so going out and meeting new people and different guys was a fun way to get socializing and doing something out of the ordinary. If you dont enjoy it you dont enjoy it. find someone you really like and go out on a date with her. You will find it much more enjoyable.


lol thats how i feel its like no one knows eachother yet and everyone is acting all fake n ****!It feels forced and you dont even want to be there ....... I dont like dating .... I like to get to know the person before i date them which means HANGING OUT!!!! SCREW DATES IT CHANGES THE WHOLE MOOD OF EVERYTHING AND CAN CREATE ANXIETY AND ITS JUST NOT REAL AND I LIKE TO KEEP THINGS REAL


its fun depending on the person you go out with but honestly sometimes it can be a pain