Have you ever heard of grey-sexuality?

Apparently it's like asexuality, but if there's anyone out there who could help give me more advice it would be much appreciated :)


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Well, I happen to be a from grey-asexual myself (that is the correct term) called a Demisexual. Here is the direct definition of Grey-A: Asexuality and sexuality are not black and white; some people identify in the grey area between them. People who identify as gray-A can include, but are not limited to those who:

do not normally experience sexual attraction, but do experience it sometimes
experience sexual attraction, but a low sex drive
experience sexual attraction and drive, but not strongly enough to want to act on them
people who can enjoy and desire sex, but only under very limited and specific circumstances

Similarly, some people who might technically belong to the gray area choose to identify as asexual because it is easier to explain. For example, if someone has experienced sexual attraction on one or two brief, fleeting occasions in their life, they might prefer to call themselves asexual because it is not worth the bother of having to explain these one or two occasions to everyone who asks about their orientation.

I am a Demisexual which means that I experience only secondary sexual attraction ( I am only attracted to someone I am in love with) where as looks, sent, or anything like that mean nothing to me. I physically can't be attracted to someone who I don't love.

Oh I do want to clarify, sexual attraction IS NOT sex drive. Sexual attraction is NOT romantic attraction. So please don't get those things mixed up =)

Btw, I do exist. Sorry


Interesting...so asexuality just means low sex drive, but you can still be emotionally attracted to one sex or another? I guess I never really understood that.

Here's a link I found about it. I skimmed it and it seemed alright.


From what I understand, grey asexuals are capable of sexual attraction; they just don't feel it often.


Grey Sexuality


Mmm I've never heard of this

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