If we "tax the rich", how does the 99% actually get their money?

If 49.5% of Americans don't even pay taxes, how does this administration transfer the wealth without literally giving the each member of the 99% a check?

John A2012-02-21T18:21:55Z

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Exactly!! it doesn't benefit them at all, it goes to the government, not the poor.


For a long time it was 47%...now it's 49.5%.....all this shows me is that the working class....which probably includes the guy who posted this 'question' is falling even further behind even as the 'the rich' that he's defending are getting an even greater portion of this country's wealth.

Let us examine this: The 'working class'...those who work exclusively for hourly wages, through their labor generate ALL of the wealth of this country. Their work is what makes the 'owing class' rich. Over the last decade the hourly wage earner has lost ground, while the 'rich' have gained lots of ground. What's happened is money that should have gone to 'the working class' has gone to the owning class. Now had the 'working class' gotten all the money they earned, they WOULD have paid more taxes. Instead that money went to the 'owing class'...they got the money and that's why they should pay more.

Now nobody has suggested that the 'owning class' should start writing checks to the 'working class'. What has been suggested is that the 'owning class' should simply pay the taxes that the 'working class' would pay if this class had received the pay they earned through their labor....that means a tax INCREASE for them...certainly not a decrease.

Example of how this works: Down on massa's plantation, 'ol massa' put up the money for the cotton seed, bought the toools and generously alloted each field hand three meals a day, a place to sleep and a selection of cast off clothing. In return, the field hands slaved for as many hours as 'ol massa' required them to slave. In the fall after the cotton was gathered...by the field hands, 'ol massa' sold the crop for a ton of money. Admittedly 'ol massa' DID feed, house and dress his field hands...the total expense being X amount of money, AND he did put up the money to begin this investment process. Then of course he paid his taxes. The point here is that 'ol massa' at the very least didn't expect his 'working class' field hands to contribute anymore than they already did to his plantation or to the overall tax load. Now if there was a sixty/forty split in the profits then we could expect the field hands to pay 40% of the taxes....maybe a bit less, but somewhere in that ballpark! So, the deal is this.....when the owning class stops screwing the working class and starts to pay them...not crumbs off the table, but real wages, then the working class will pay more in taxes and the owning class will pay less in taxes. Wages..that's how the 99% are supposed to get their money! NOW DO YOU GET IT!

I Like Turtles2012-02-21T18:29:29Z

Don't throw up a link to the Heritage Foundation and expect people to take you seriously. Taxing the 1% is not about transfer of wealth - it is about admitting that the "trickle down" theory does not work anymore in a world of private equity groups and hedge funds. The rich don't let their wealth trickle down - they invest it in a private equity fund, who buys local businesses and then fires half the employees so that their investors (the 1%) can get a couple more points return on their investment.

Here's a tip for you conservatives who do nothing but repeat the bullsh*t you hear on Fox News, Sean Hannity (Mr. "I've got the tape!" but he never actually produces the tape) and Rush Limbaugh. THINK FOR YOURSELF. Take an economics or business class. Read the Wall Street Journal. You don't understand the world of business - if you did, you would want to tax the living sh*t out of the 1%.

Just the facts, maam2012-02-21T18:26:49Z

Read carefully, my friend. It is not taxing the rich but returning to the normal tax rate that Bush lowered under the idea of trickle down prosperity. As you are probably aware if you watch other news besides Fox it failed really bad. Returning to the old tax rates will give the govt. money to improve our infra structure this in turn will create jobs. Hence when people have jobs they then spend and buy stuff. This then creates more jobs to make stuff. Workers will pay taxes and into social security. More commerce then means corporations make more profits. Making more profits will then off set what they paid in taxes. Get it now?


they dont. its a slogan used to pit one group of citizens against another. while we bicker the taxes on the rich, go the way of the 787 billion jobs bailout, the trillion gm/uaw bailout the 7 trillion wallstreet bailout and the transfer of wealth to foreign banks. the democrat faithful still havent figured out the war on poverty was redistributed without them.

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