Entertaining with Vegans?

Ok, so my wife has a Vegan friend and we prepare "special" food when they come over.

So why is it not right for me to receive "real" food when being entertained by them?


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I've wondered that, too. Vegans/vegetarians complain if there's no special veg food at weddings, holidays, etc. Yet when you suggest they should prepare meat at their events, they get angry.

All I can come up with is they are self centered and give no consideration to guests who aren't vegan.


Well, first of all vegan food is real food, SILLY.. it is just lacking animal products. As a vegan, if someone were to come to my house, they could bring meat and prepare it them self, but I will not buy animal products and I will not prepare them. Wouldn't you like to feel "special" too?????? A little respect goes a long way.


Because no part of you buying and serving vegan food for a vegan friend.is a violation of your ethics.
The opposite scenario most certainly would be a violation of his/her ethics.
Especially since you're more than capable of enjoying a plant-based meal that's likely more healthy, fresh, and "real" than one containing animal products.

Don't let's be silly.

Mykeyel S2012-02-23T03:14:03Z

What is real food?
Fruit, Nuts, Grains Vegetables Seeds Beans and Legumes
as for meat you should be able to find something to sustain you besides meat if they come to your house you might have meat in the vegetable for season so what is left be polite and not eat but fellowship only that would be interesting but not to apt to find them there the next time. Is it about you or about them? If you it will not last anyway.


It's really quite simple. Vegans have a moral objection to buying, cooking, and eating animals. I'm sure you don't have a moral objection to buying, cooking, and eating vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, and nuts and seeds.

And vegan food *is* real food.

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