Pretty Little Liars Poll...?

If you watch Pretty Little Liars, do you now like Aria's mom because of how she is trying to accept Ezra? What do you think of the show and where it's going? Who do you think A is?

No trolls please... and any stupid questions will be reported!


Favorite Answer

I donno about their relationship .. honestly i prefer her with holden but we'll see i guess
I never liked ezra, but thats just me
as for A .. i heard they will reveal that by march so i CANT WAIT !!!
I donno why but i have a feeling it might be melissa .. since the last aired ep !!
According to wat i read online that in the books mona was A and the second A was ian
But then again ian is dead and mona is not A, cuz she got messages from her
SO i donno
All i know is that i HATE garrett !! cant wait to see him die
I think tho if A got revealed now, there will be a second A


For part one i don't know and part two i know who it is it's Alison