Questions about National American Miss?

Ok, so I'm 14 and I got a letter in the mail from National American Miss that said one of my friends had recommended or referred me or something. It sounds like a lot of fun, but I have some questions.
1. Is it easy to get sponsors? i have been searching stuff about it, and girls make it sound so easy. is that true, or is it hard to get all the money paid for? because i won't be allowed to go if we have to pay all of it.
2. does everyone who gets a letter and goes to the Open Call get to participate? or do they just pick some people? how many people are picked?
3. If I went, what would be some necessary things to bring?
4. If i went, would there be lots of people watching? I am afraid of being in front of lots of people. i might go anyway, just wondering.
5. if I was picked but I didn't get sponsors, could i choose not to go?
6. what happens at the open call/interview? do people just ask you questions, or do you have to show them anything, like papers of something?
7. is the contest judged on beauty? like I said, i've been looking up nam and I don't think it's a beauty pageant right?
8. How do you get to know if you got in? do they email or call you?
9. Anything specific i would need to know, if i got to go?
Sorry there are a lot of questions, but I would really appreciate it if people answered some. Thanks!!!
also sorry if it's in the wrong category.


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That is a lot of questions! I will try to help. I was in NAM and so was my friend.

1) Getting sponsors is really about the same thing as the Girl Scout cookie thing. If you give it a really good try, over time, and see like about ten people or businesses that your family knows, then it will probably work out for you. For me, family did some of it, and I reaised the rest. But my family did not want to help out until they saw that I was making an effort and had some success collecting sponsor fee.

2) I asked what the acceptance criteria was. They said that the basic thing was you need to have a B or better grade average, you need to have activites that show you are setting and achieveing goals, and you need to have a good interview. That's it.

3) You do not need to bring anything to the open call. It is an information session where they tell you want NAM is and show you some videos and stuff. You also get to fill out an application and interview to get in, if you want to. But you do need to have a parent with you.

4) No one is watching you at the open call. Actually, you are watching them; the people doign the presentation.

5) No one makes you go. You go if it is something you want to do,.

6) The interview is easy. It is about a minute. Just be smiley and positive. You might read up online about how to handle yourself in a job interview. If you are like me, I have never done that before. Wish I had read up on it a little, just to get an idea of how to sit and stuff.

7) NAM is not a beauty pageant. They are very upfront about that. I researched it a lot. If you want a beauty pageant, go to Miss USA. That is the one with swimsuits and things like that. I am ok with that, but not for me. I liked NAM, it is about who you are, not what you look like. There are all kinds of girls at NAM. The queen for my age group was red headed, had braces and a bit of a skin issue. The one for the next age group up was actually very pretty, in a Dakota Fanning kind of way.

8) They mail you a packet that lets you know. They also call, but I missed the call. We were on vacation.

9) I don't think there is anything you really need to know. They tell you all about it at the open call. You pretty much sit back and listen and they show you what it is about. One good thing to do is to go to youtube and search on National American Miss. A lot of girls have uploaded videos to youtube about their time in NAM.



I got one too..bareley right now.. why did they pick us? Who "reffered" us? Whoever it is. I'm gonna kill them!!