Dog Section: Happy Monday?

Hope everyone had a good weekend because mine was a complete bust. anyways on to the question of the day.

Mostly to the breeders on here, but even if you don't breed join the fun. How desperate would you have to be to use a stud like this?
-4 years old has been at stud since over 1.
-Has produced around 10 litters with about 60+ pups.
-all the breedings have been to pet bitches and the pups have gone to pet homes for the most part so no real knowledge on how the pups have turned out
-Has half his health clearances done, but they are out of date(thyroid and heart)
-Is unilaterally cryptorchid
-Has a GREAT pedigree if you skip the first two generations
-is "a gentle breeder"
-So so conformation in build and color


Julie: I wish I was pulling this out of thin air. I REALLY do. Msg me if you want all the lovely details.


Alesi's: Nope very real with 3 more litters on the way for this year so far.

Ernie: means he's got a retained testicle, build and color aren't that great. one pup has been kept(to follow in daddy's pawprints). They don't show period. As for the why? Never got an answer about that. As for the other testing quote "his hips are lovely" unquote. its not like they can't afford it when they are selling pups at $1,000+ a pop. That's of course just for limited. Can't imagine how far the rack up the price for breeding rights.


Uhave: I've come to the conclusion that when it comes to buying pets, most people allow themselves to be taken advantage of. Its not all just being new to dog buying, its that they are so desperate for a puppy they are willing to overlook the obvious flags. And they push Nuvet huh? Shocker...not. Most breeders like that never part with their money anyways without being fought tooth and nail and many people just don't have it in them to fight that long far and hard for compensation.


uhave: sounds like a certain rescue out in Cali. Somehow I doubt very much those "trained" pups are all that trained. And even if they were, 10 grand? not on your life.


Uhave: because just about every crap breeder who knows about it, pushes it and makes it part of their guarantee. I'll correctly assume the have a link on their site as well to purchase it or provide their buyers with the code needed to get it, as Nuvet does not sell to the general public. You can't even order from their site without a referral code(which of course provides a lovely comission to the person who provided it)

I don't know if the stuff is worth what they charge, $50+ for one bottle, but they make some big claims on their site. You'd think a "miracle" pill that , "is the safe, fast way to eliminate all kinds of ailments once and for all. Recommended by thousands of top breeders and veterinarians, NuVet Plus® can wipe away a lifetime of canine illnesses in just weeks and keep your pet healthy and protected against sickness and disease – for the rest of their lives." wouldn't need a middle man to get your hands on it.

Julie D.2012-02-27T10:43:52Z

Favorite Answer

Is this a trick question? I don't breed anymore but I would be interested in him ZERO. I guess the people who owned those 10 b*tches were desperate though.


Personally I wouldn't. I'm not a breeder, and I don't intend to be for a LONG time, but one day when I get a breeder mentor and learn to do it right, I hope to.

The reasons are numerous, and most based on knowledge I already know, or personal beliefs.

4 years old and already sired 10 litters in three years? Um...gosh no, to me that's just cruel. Like a damn puppy mill. Is this a puppy mill stud? Regardless of the fact he's registered or doesn't sound reputable.

All the breedings and one hasn't been kept for showing? Classic signs of him being used as a "money maker" which once again, is both cruel, and well..cruel.

ONLY has half of his clearances. Where the hell is the other half and why haven't they been done frequently like they're SUPPOSED to be?

I haven't got a clue what unilaterally cryptorchid means, but it doesn't sound good to me...I might have to look that up. (Once again, I'm not a breeder)

I wouldn't skip the first two generations...regardless of how great the rest of the lineage is.

So-so conformation? Hmm, I don't know about that. If he's so-so then why would he be considered right for breeding if he isn't great?

So would I be desperate to breed him? Absolutely NOT. There's way too many warning signs and red flags there that make me hope that dog is lucky enough to escape some major health issues.

Edit: That is just...horrible. I hate "registered" breeders who make reputable ones look bad. These people are the type who make ones doing the RIGHT thing get so little recognition and the BYBs and puppy mills look "nice" to the less informed. Ugh! Let this be a note to those reading...just because a breeder is "registered" does NOT make them reputable or GOOD breeders! You need to know what you are looking for, and how well CARED for the dogs are.

Teensy and Jacob: Terrier Terrors2012-02-27T21:19:58Z

People breed anything that could stand on 4 legs these days. Limited health testing and as long as the dog has his nuts, everything else will fall into place. Sounds like a major BYB!! If the dog is only producing pet quality, no working, no show.....the dog needs to be clipped (neutered) and save the stud duty for a real stud, not just a money maker. I can just imagine this dog's conformation: sway back, splayed toes, etc. People breed anything these days and don't give a crap what they breed it with or with what dog. Really despise people like that!!

UHAVE2BE: Dang, that much for a basic obedience trained dog? I swear!! I really do! I screwed all up by getting Teensy spayed and not letting her have pups. If I knew I could sell basic obedience pups for that much, with a guaranteed slobber hound award.......would have done it a long time ago!! I wonder is it too late to get Teensy's reproductive organs stitched back in. Lol!! That's crazy!!

Anyway, my weekend went GREAT!! My sister had a baby girl (she was only in labor for an hour) and it's her first child. My big sister is brave. My dad asked me, "When are you having children?" Me "You aren't getting any kids out of me!" Lol! I'm the only one out of 5 children, to not have ANY kids. They now think I'm weirder than I already am.

My Monday is going great as well. I ate chocolate chip waffles this morning, bored to death in college class and came back home to see UPS coming. I got my new Dogtra Surestim M Plus+additional collar, only the people forgot to the damn transmitter in the box with it. Now, I have to wait a few days to get it. Better be here by the weekend. Lol!!

Alesi's Chis2012-02-27T18:50:29Z

That wouldn't be desperation, it would be throwing in the towel and joining the ranks of 'them'. Cryptorchid - no way. A LOT can go wrong in those 2 generations of 'less than stellar' in a pedigree (I'd rather see the past two generations of great, and so-so before that). I really wouldn't want that dog appearing in my pups pedigree if every neighborhood b*tch had him in there as well. May as well have had no health testing done if what he has had is now meaningless. So-so of course is not good enough structurally, so I'd have to say I'd need a gun to my head to use him. I'd rather not breed at all if all I'm going to produce is more crap.

Is this a hypothetical or real stud?

☆ Memphis Belle ☆2012-02-27T19:15:57Z

Ethical breeders would never scrape the barrel and use a "cash point" stud dog, with semen depositing x amount in the owner's wallet.

The stud dog has a pulse and can reproduce, but breed worthy is another matter.

A shopping list of faults that substandard kennel owners or back yard breeders are either ignorant of or indifferent to, including trading on another kennels success by pointing to successful lineage, one descended testicles [a fault in any breed not to have two descended into the scrotum], not proven against the standard or health tested for all the conditions known to affect the breed, with current results available.

If the owner of a b*tch is unconcerned about the quality of what pops out after 63 days because there is a consumer demand for pet quality puppies sold to anyone with cash in their wallet, so they will be sold on, availability of the stud and being “getting the job done” would tick all their boxes.

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