How can you believe in this?


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Awesome link, thanks!


How can you believe in the present-day Bible? How can you worship 3 gods who are the father and the son at the same time (and separate, at the same time?) - especially when one of them was killed? How can you believe in a book that has been tampered with to no end? How can you claim to be a follower of Jesus when you go EXACTLY against what he says? Listen to this:

Anyways. We believe in Islaam because it is the truth, no doubt about it. Everything about Islaam is so perfect and beautiful. I honestly do wish that you would stop with your blind hate and open the Qur'aan & read it with sincere intentions & an open heart. Do the same with the biography of the Prophet sal Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam and the history of Islaam. It's so breathtakingly beautiful. But oh well. Allaah guides whom He wills.


That is very funny. Smile and move on. ;-)



its almost as crazy as those silly christian myths that those silly christians believe in isnt it! :)


That was funny.