How can you believe in this?


Mr. Emmay..... what do you have faith in.....a Holy God who is sinless? Do you know what sins are? God says murder is sin, lying is sin, rape is sin..... Islam promotes sins, and this is unholy and unGodly.


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Jesus is the only way.

what seems wacky to us . . . seems normal to them. I thin they believe they are doing it and making
God proud. We need to pray for the. Pray that God touches their hearts. They do not know any better.

God bless you sister You make God proud :)


How can you believe in the present-day Bible? How can you worship 3 gods who are the father and the son at the same time (and separate, at the same time?) - especially when one of them was killed? How can you believe in a book that has been tampered with to no end? How can you claim to be a follower of Jesus when you go EXACTLY against what he says? Listen to this:

Anyways. We believe in Islaam because it is the truth, no doubt about it. Everything about Islaam is so perfect and beautiful. I honestly do wish that you would stop with your blind hate and open the Qur'aan & read it with sincere intentions & an open heart. Do the same with the biography of the Prophet sal Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam and the history of Islaam. It's so breathtakingly beautiful. But oh well. Allaah guides whom He wills.


As Rujkat said, for you your relegion for me my relegion. For us Allah is the One and Only, and there's noone like Him. One who created man from nothing, grew man in 7 folds of darkness, brought him to the world, taught him how to see, feel, remember.

One who is controlling this Universe with all its perfections, so beautiful and so vast. One who feeds you and trillions of other creations day and night.... for us this is what defines faith and it's beautiful.


What's it to you what I choose to believe? Sheesh people always have to butt in into everything -_-
Did we go to you and be like, how do you believe in this *shows video of how dumb christianity is* no, we didn't, so hush up and get off and away from what you don't.


It was good till the Christian propaganda began.

That's when I closed that window.


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