husky 6 weeks old weighing six pounds?
is that normal
i asked if that was a normal weight not your opinion thanks
is that normal
i asked if that was a normal weight not your opinion thanks
There are critical growth periods in the infant lives of puppies that require them to remain with their mothers until 10 -12 weeks of age. Puppies that are pulled from their mothers too early suffer socialization issues, emotional problems, and generalized health problems. They are more difficult to train, they are anxious and can become lethargic or aggressive. They often don't eat right, and demonstrate other quirks that pose serious questions by their unaware owners. While some think that such infants are cute and cuddly -- as in fact they are -- they do not realize they are doing severe harm to underage puppies when they are taken from their mothers.
ask breeder or vet
should still be with mother at this age