Dog Section: Thought provoking question of the day?

So this is based on something that was said in a couple different questions on here.

There is no such thing as an reputable breeder. Just like bad breeders they are still in it simply for the money. If the breeder really cares about animals and is breeding for the sake of them, they should be given away for free, to "bless" people with the opportunity of owning a high quality pup without having to pay a lot of money for one. You wouldn't pay for a person so why pay for a day?(paraphrasing, but pretty much what was said)

I know this is rhetorical, but am I the only one who thinks that a load of nonsense? Its not even remotely practical to expect people to put that much time, work, money, blood sweat and tears into something and then just turn around and give it away for free.

i won't even touch the whole people vs dogs part for the fact its been hashed over to death and as we all know, dogs are not people.


Uhave: Haven't even had my first cup though wide awake after going out to find the porch door open, but the cat thankfully not willing to venture forth out into the cold.

Gina: Very true on adoptions and the cost that goes along with it.

- While i don't think if this were to happen good breeders would be any less stringent in their future puppy owner vetting, they would however be swarmed with 5-10 times as many people interested because they are free.


Dakota: Can't say if that's true, but the user who wrote that drivel has paid for dogs, used to show and bred 4 litters. I find it very hard to believe all four of those litters went for free. I really do. Which makes just want to compliment them on how easy it is for them to be a hypocrite.

Julie D.2012-03-05T08:02:43Z

Favorite Answer

Reputable breeders are not in it simply for the money, as it is their PASSION to breed the best quality animal they can, which costs them big bucks. I have NO problem with someone making money as they deserve to if they are doing everything right. When people get something, anything for free, they in turn don't take care of it as well as if they've had to use their own hard earned money to be able to buy whatever it is they are buying. Heck, they don't even recommend that you give away animals for free on Craigslist, so why would someone want to just gift a $3,000.00 dog to another person whereas they have spent thousands to breed that quality litter? This is the way I look at it.....the old saying that NOTHING in life is free. Heck, you can't even kick the bucket for free as funerals are expensive as heck. When someone buys a dog that will be a healthy companion to them for years to come, or serve a purpose for that owner such as herding sheep, that IS a Blessing in itself, IMO.


I don't know why they would, either. Even if they wanted to "bless" someone with a quality dog, and were willing to take a hit (which some still do), no one in their right mind would just hand someone a dog for free anymore --- at least, not a person that actually CARED about where that dog was going. We all know there are too many people who get their hands on dogs and then cannot afford food, vet care, shots - or they get tired of the dog and dump it somewhere else.

In short, to give a dog away for free to just *anyone* is plain stupid.

I do think that the definition of "reputable breeder" isn't totally rigid. Of course there are some guidelines, but it will depend on what you are looking for and what you believe. As long as the decision is EDUCATED and not just emotionally motivated, I see no real problem (even if I do get all heated when someone thinks a breeder I can't stand is a good one. For example, anymore I would much prefer to look at working Aussie breeders that haven't fallen into the trap of breeding merle x merle or all of this "mini" junk....I've also washed my hands of the AKC as their stance on the issue is clearly money-making.

So to each their own, but that really is some quality junk....wish I'd seen the question.


Laughable at the very least. I don't care who they are...byb, puppymill or a so called reputable breeder...they are all in it for the money. Those that don't make any profit at all...close the doors as it is far to expensive to house, vet and raise puppies all because you simply love the breed. I have never seen a so called reputable breeder without a very nice home and car. You cannot tell me that their hubbys (or wives) eagerly support a dog breeding hobby that is not making any money whatsoever.

The term reputable is a term breeders like others to call them and a term they gloat upon themselves. When you get right down to it...not many really are truly reputable (whatever that fricken means) Sorry, been there done all that. I hate the term and I classify as a good breeder and bad breeder.

Even so, there are not many do gooders out there, to begin with, that are willing to simply give away what they have earned thru blood, sweat and tears.


I saw that thread and didn't bother to reply. I thought the question/statement was posted to get a rise out of people, just like all troll questions are.

The concept was too ridiculous to contemplate. I thought maybe it was written by a young kid who hasn't yet figured out how the world works and has no idea of the physical labor or financial costs involved in breeding and raising a quality litter.

The shelters are 'blessed' with free dogs every day. Personally I wish there were far less 'blessings' of free dogs happening in the world. Many people might take better care of their dogs if they cost them plenty. It's human nature to value whatever you have that you paid a fortune for.

Next we'll have someone posting that vets should be giving away their services as 'blessings'. Not gonna happen.


Charities run by donations and fund raising

Shelters the same and they still charge adoption fees.

It is nonsense to believe or think reputable breeders should basically donate a dog. While they spent money to raise it, including vet bills and living expenses ( kennels and cages ). Not to mention any fees they paid to compete and register litters. Why should they front the money just because someone wants a good dog but not willing to pay.

Yet theres byb and puppymills that will charge an ARM and a leg for a dog not worthy of that price?!

People always look for freebies and cheap yet quality items.

You get what you bargained for. I guess we should all write to our townships, governments, and banks to ask for homes and housing to be free as well. I want a million dollar mansion for the price of run down fixer uper.

Reputable breeders would go out of business so to speak if they gave litters away for free. Not that their main goal is to make money, but realisticly money is made and sufficient enough for the time, care, and quality put into their work.

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